Ages 5 - 10

"Science is about knowing, engineering is about doing"
- Henry Petroski
Professor at Duke University, American Engineer
In this workshop, children will acquire and apply a large varieties of engineering concepts in their LEGO creations. Utilizing the abundant resources available at our workshop, they will be able to build and modify inspiring projects that serve creative and meaningful purposes.
Don't underestimate the potential in children; sometimes even our instructors are fascinated by children's creations!
Skills Learned
Understand in-depth engineering concepts behind machines, including usage of motors
Application of engineering knowledge in creations from cumulated knowledge and experience
Practice problem-solving and express creativity through modification challenges
Improve concentration and train patience through promoting the importance to focus on details
Train independencyand shape learning attitude through modification challenges
Practice understanding of 2D to 3D conversion
What to bring
1 class per week
60 minutes per class
Please contact us for the most updated availability
A curious and creative mind!